Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Team of Vipers Download

Title: Team of Vipers Pdf My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House


"Sims’s vivid portrait of Trump shrewdly balances admiration with misgivings, and his intricate, engrossing accounts of White House vendettas and power plays have a good mix of immersion and perspective. The result is one of the best of the recent flood of Trump tell-alls." —Publishers Weekly

The first honest insider’s account of the Trump administration. If you hate Trump you need the truth; if you love Trump you need the truth.

After standing at Donald Trump’s side on Election Night, Cliff Sims joined him in the West Wing as Special Assistant to the President and Director of White House Message Strategy.

He soon found himself pulled into the President’s inner circle as a confidante, an errand boy, an advisor, a punching bag, and a friend. Sometimes all in the same conversation.

As a result, Sims gained unprecedented access to the President, sitting in on private meetings with key Congressional officials, world leaders, and top White House advisors. He saw how Trump handled the challenges of the office, and he learned from Trump himself how he saw the world.

For five hundred days, Sims also witnessed first-hand the infighting and leaking, the anger, joy, and recriminations. He had a role in some of the President’s biggest successes, and he shared the blame for some of his administration’s worst disasters. He gained key, often surprising insights into the players of the Trump West Wing, from Jared Kushner and John Kelly to Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.

He even helped Trump craft his enemies list, knowing who was loyal and who was not.

And he took notes. Hundreds of pages of notes. In real-time.

Sims stood with the President in the eye of the storm raging around him, and now he tells the story that no one else has written—because no one else could. The story of what it was really like in the West Wing as a member of the President’s team. The story of power and palace intrigue, backstabbing and bold victories, as well as painful moral compromises, occasionally with yourself.

Team of Vipers tells the full story, as only a true insider could.

Well-written... I bought and read the Kindle edition of the book. It should be noted as a "Verified Purchase"Cliff Sims is a 20-something wonderkind from Alabama, where he was the CEO of a media company. In 2016, he had broken the story - complete with audio tapes - of the affair the state's governor, Robert Bentley had been having with his (much younger) assistant, Rebekah Mason. Bentley ultimately resigned/was pushed out of office. About the same time, Sims had had a radio interview with then-candidate Donald Trump that had gone well. A little later, he evinced interest in working for the Trump-for-President campaign, and an old friend, Senator Jeff Sessions, got him a job in the Trump campaign communications department. Sims moved to New York, where he worked for the campaign and then with the White House. This book, "Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House", is a story of his work with both the campaign and his time at the White House.I haven't read many of the books which have come out since Donald Trump was inaugurated. I did buy the Woodward book last fall, but have not been interested enough - after all, we are living it - to buy anything more, til I saw this book. It's the story about Cliff Sims, the son and grandson of Alabama preachers, who build up a quasi-media empire in Alabama and ran with the big dogs of state politics. A conservative, who believed in the Republican mantras, Sims is a sophisticated young man who seemed to fit in to the Trump campaign mojo and moved to the White House, looking for more. He worked closely with the White House Communications department and left after about 18 months of service. How he was able to rationalise the work he was doing for the man who he was doing it for, while maintaining his basic morality, is the subtext to his book. The main text was, of course, the weirdness and bizarre actions of the Trump White House.Cliff Sims is a good writer. He knows how to tell his story as he lived it, in plain terms. Sims doesn't stint on the details about the president and his staff, yet I was left with the feeling that Sims actually liked Donald Trump. And maybe even understood him a little. This is a good book.Paean to Trump This is a saccharine if well-written hagiography of Trump. Be forewarned before purchasing. While informative about how the West Wing works under Trump, I'd still like my money back.The book would resonate best with MAGA devotees and Trumpist conservatives. If that's who you are, you will like the book.The author attempts to justify things like the egregious firing of James Comey, and expresses doubt that the Russia interfered with US elections.Caveat emptor.Will it be a Trump Devotee who Brings Trump’s Administration to its KNEES? Page 59. Yes, page 59 is, to my mind, a key to proving just how ludicrous is the current President’s Administration.On page 59, Sims explains the full story regarding the crowd size for Trump’s inaugural. We all knew it was a lie, but Sean Spicer and company swore to us what they knew was a falsehood.Sims has provided a wealth of gossipy information that is likely to weaken the Trump Administration more than that done by Bob Woodward, Michael Wolff, or Michael Lewis. Why? Because Trump’s followers know that Sims is one of them. He has nothing but admiration and adoration for Donald Trump.BOTTOM LINEIf you’re looking for scandal against Pres. Trump, this book will not please you. If you’re looking for dirt on some key players in the Trump Administration, though, you’re in for a fun ride. Oh, and if you are a member of Mueller’s team, looking for insight into drawing lines between the dots regarding key points you have dug up, “Team of Vipers” by Cliff Sims just might help you drive one more nail in the coffin. But remember to also get the Audible Edition — and enjoy your tour!Four stars out of five.I am striving to produce reviews that help you find books that you want, or avoid books that you wish to avoid. With your help, my improvement will help you and me improve book reviews on Amazon. Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.One request: Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment. for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment.

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Tags: B07KBGJKV8 pdf,Team of Vipers pdf,My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House pdf,ebook,Cliff Sims,Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House,Thomas Dunne Books,060201 St Martin Trade Non Fict Cr Yr,American Government / National,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Political,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents & Heads of State,BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,General Adult,History/United States - 21st Century,MARKETING PROMO 1,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / National,Political Science,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/American Government - National,Politics/Intl Relations,Presidents & Heads of State,Presidents - United States,Presidents - United States - Staff,Presidents;United States.,Presidents;United States;Staff.,SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT,Sims, Cliff,Trump, Donald,U.S. PRESIDENT,United States,United States - Officials and employees,United States - Politics and government - 2009-2017,United States - Politics and government - 2017-,United States;Politics and government;2017-,trump white house; trump presidency; donald trump; president trump; white house insider; books in the news; trump cabinet; political culture; washington dc; jared kushner; john kelly; kellyanne conway; steve bannon; political insider; political journalism; federal government; current events; clifford sims; cliff simms; trump russia,American Government / National,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Political,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Presidents & Heads of State,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,History/United States - 21st Century,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / Executive Branch,POLITICAL SCIENCE / American Government / National,Political Science/American Government - Executive Branch,Political Science/American Government - National,Presidents & Heads of State

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