Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Andromeda Evolution Pdf

Title: The Andromeda Evolution Pdf

Fifty years after The Andromeda Strain made Michael Crichton a household name - and spawned a new genre, the technothriller - the threat returns, in a gripping sequel that is terrifyingly realistic and resonant.

The evolution is coming.

In 1967, an extraterrestrial microbe came crashing down to Earth and nearly ended the human race. Accidental exposure to the particle - designated the Andromeda Strain - killed every resident of the town of Piedmont, Arizona, save for an elderly man and an infant boy. Over the next five days, a team of top scientists assigned to Project Wildfire worked valiantly to save the world from an epidemic of unimaginable proportions. In the moments before a catastrophic nuclear detonation, they succeeded.

In the ensuing decades, research on the microparticle continued. And the world thought it was safe....

Deep inside Fairchild Air Force Base, Project Eternal Vigilance has continued to watch and wait for the Andromeda Strain to reappear. On the verge of being shut down, the project has registered no activity - until now. A Brazilian terrain-mapping drone has detected a bizarre anomaly of otherworldly matter in the middle of the jungle, and, worse yet, the tell-tale chemical signature of the deadly microparticle.

With this shocking discovery, the next-generation Project Wildfire is activated, and a diverse team of experts hailing from all over the world is dispatched to investigate the potentially apocalyptic threat.

But the microbe is growing - evolving. And if the Wildfire team can't reach the quarantine zone, enter the anomaly, and figure out how to stop it, this new Andromeda Evolution will annihilate all life as we know it.

very highly recommended sequel to the science fiction classic The Andromeda Evolution by Michael Crichton via Daniel H. Wilson is a very highly recommended sequel to the science fiction classic.In The Andromeda Strain (1969), an extraterrestrial microbe came crashing down to Earth and nearly ended the human race. Accidental exposure to the particle killed every resident of the town of Piedmont, Arizona, save for an elderly man and an infant boy. In the decades that followed, Project Eternal Vigilance has been watching and waiting for the Andromeda Strain to reappear, while research secretly continued on the microparticle. Now, in the Brazilian rain forest an anomaly has been detected and it is identified as the Andromeda Strain. A next generation Project Wildfire team of scientific experts from around the world is called together to try and stop the apocalyptic threat. The diverse team of experts must try and get through the jungle and figure out a way to stop this outbreak of the Andromeda Strain before it annihilates all life on Earth.The narrative follows five days of heart-stopping action, following the team in the jungle and through reconstructed transcripts, interviews, and descriptions of video footage. The writing is outstanding. Wilson, who is an excellent choice to continue the story, captures the voice of Crichton while updating the technological aspects of the story to fifty years in the future. While Wilson introduces us to the very human team members called in to stop the threat, he keeps the fast-paced plot moving along quickly and the tension building to stunning levels. The team members have their specialties and are a diverse group. Wilson also shows their flaws, making them feel like real human beings called in to stop an impossible situation.I loved every part of this wildly exciting continuation of the original novel. There is an explanation of what the Andromeda Strain is and how it threatens life for those who never read Crichton's original novel, so reading the original is not a requirement to appreciate this continuation of the story. The denouement is a exciting, heart-stopping scene that should ensure this will be a movie someday. Each chapter opens with a quote by Crichton, which I appreciated.Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of HarperCollins.Well-Written, Intense, and Thought-Provoking Novel THE ANDROMEDA EVOLUTION by Daniel H. Wilson is a science fiction / techno-thriller novel and a sequel to Michael Crichton’s THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN. It can be read as a standalone novel, but it would be beneficial to read Crichton’s novel first.Wilson continues Crichton’s story after approximately 50 years of waiting. Research has continued on the strain and the world thought it was now safe. The watchdog group, Project Eternal Vigilance is on the verge on being shut down when a large formation appears in the Amazon jungle on the equator showing similarities to the original strains of Andromeda. A team of scientists (Project Wildfire) are deployed to the jungle to investigate and determine how to stop it. However the microbe is evolving and time is of the essence.This is a well-written novel and carries on Crichton’s legacy and builds on his original story line. I was thoroughly engaged and entertained. The novel is written as a post-incident report. The main characters are well defined with a variety of personalities and traits that came across as very realistic and in the case of one character, highly imaginative.It took me about 7% of the book to get totally committed to the story, but once I was there, I devoured the book. There are also some technical explanations and diagrams. Don’t let that throw you. They make sense.Overall, the novel was thought-provoking and entertaining. If you enjoy Michael Crichton novels or science fiction, I recommend you try this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.Many thanks to HarperCollins Publishers and Daniel H. Wilson for a digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.Wilson makes this his own First off- Michael Crichton didn't write this- he's dead- Daniel Wilson did and he's awesome. Don't worry if you didn't read the original (or see the movie), this stands wonderfully on its own. Written as an after action report, it details what happens when the Andromeda strain gets loose again fifty years after it was hopefully contained after killing virtually everyone who came in contact with it. The original Wildfire Team is no longer active but when Project Vigilence detects ominous stuff in the Brazilian jungle, a new group of characters jumps into action. This is topical and frightening in its way. Wilson has done an excellent job of writing a thriller that's more or less fan fiction but at the same time making it his own. Thanks to Edelweiss for the ARC. Fans of the action thriller will like this very much.

Tags: B07PGJ31YZ pdf,The Andromeda Evolution pdf,,Michael Crichton, Daniel H. Wilson, Julia Whelan, HarperAudio,The Andromeda Evolution,HarperAudio,B07PGJ31YZ

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